My goodness isn't baby C just the cutest? C came in a few weeks back for her 6 month sitter session. She is just such a happy baby! I love getting to watch all of my baby planners grow up, and it's always a blast hanging out with her and her wonderful family! Check out some of my favorites from our session together below.
-XOXO Beth
Jun 8, 2017, 10:53:21 AM
Sarah Morgan - She is just beautiful! You captured her perfectly.
Jun 8, 2017, 10:48:32 AM
Alyssa - Every single one of these is gorgeous! I just love her pretty blue eyes.
May 12, 2017, 9:42:51 PM
Pam - This is absolutely precious! She is gorgeous!
May 12, 2017, 11:55:13 AM
Nicole Everson - She's an absolute doll baby!!! Too cute!!!